What is the fastest booting windows OS ?

Many users of different operating systems are compaining about the bad performance of their computers and they want to know the best version of windows to install.

Actually I tried almost every version of windows from 95 to 10.

The best operating system was windows 7 which is stable, secure and reliable.
The PROBLEM about windows 7 is that it needs more time to boot and as a daily pc user you will be fed up of waiting for boot time.
The most used solution for windows 7 users is to keep their computers in sleep mode so they can resume their work rapidly but this will increase your system instability if you don't restart it regularly (once a week at worst case).

Windows 10 was the most complete version but it has some privacy issues and get slower with time and sometimes it becomes slow suddenly with unknown causes.

I watched many videos and I visited several websites that contains comparaison between the boot time between the different versions of windows.
The thing that I noticed that Windows 8.1 was the fastest OS to boot. Also this windows version doesn't occupe a big place on ram (800 mb used after boot versus minimum of 1gb with windows 7).

So I decided to move to windows 8.1 as it is built for fast boot time.

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